Websocket Subscriptions#

Websocket subscriptions allow data to be pushed to the web client whenever there is a change within the project. The query.js library includes functions with callbacks to subscribe to each channel and return any data received.



Subscribe to changes in timeline status.


The callback is called each time a timeline changes state on the controller. Each time it is passed an object with the following attributes:


Value Type


Value Example



Timeline number




The new state of the timeline: none, running, paused, holding_at_end, released




Whether the timeline is currently affecting the output of any fixtures in the project.




Current time position of the timeline playback, in milliseconds


For example:

Query.subscribe_timeline_status(t => {
  alert(t.num + ": " + t.state)


Subscribe to changes in scene status.


The callback is called each time a scene changes state on the controller. Each time it is passed an object with the following attributes:


Value Type


Value Example



Scene number




The new state of the scene: none, started, released




Whether the scene is currently affecting the output of any fixtures in the project.


For example:

Query.subscribe_scene_status(s => {
  alert(s.num + ": " + s.state)


Subscribe to changes in group level, as set by the Master Intensity action.


The callback is called each time the group master level changes on the controller. Each time it is passed an object with the following attributes:


Value Type


Value Example



Group number




Group name

"Group 1"



New master intensity level of the group: 0-255


For example:

Query.subscribe_group_status(g => {
  alert(g.num + ": " + g.level)


Subscribe to changes in remote device online/offline status.


The callback is called each time the remote device online/offline status changes. Each time it is passed an object with the following attributes:


Value Type


Value Example



Remote device number




Type of remote device: RIO 80, RIO 44, RIO 08, BPS, RIO A, RIO D, EDN 20, EDN 10

"RIO 80"



New online state of the remote device




Remove device serial number


For example:

Query.subscribe_remote_device_status(r => {
  alert(r.num + ": " + (r.online ? "online" : "offline"))


Subscribe to changes in the device beacon.


The callback is called each time the controller beacon status changes. Each time it is passed an object with the following attributes:


Value Type


Value Example



New beacon status


For example:

Query.subscribe_beacon(b => {
  alert(b.on ? "Beacon turned on" : "Beacon turned off")


The receiver for the push_to_web() Lua function.


The callback is called each time a script on the controller calls the push_to_web() function. Each time it is passed an object with a single attribute - the name or key string passed as the first argument to push_to_web(). The value of this attribute is the second argument passed to push_to_web(), converted to a string.

For example, if a project needs to send a touch slider level to the web interface, it might have the following in a trigger Lua script:

level = getMySliderLevel() -- user-defined function to get the current slider level
push_to_web("slider_level", level) -- invoke callbacks on subscribers

If level is equal to e.g. 56 then the object passed the JavaScript callback will be:

  "slider_level": "56"

And the subscription could be setup as follows:

Query.subscribe_lua(l => {
 key = Object.keys(l)[0] // "slider_level" in the above example
 value = l.key           // "56" in the above example
 alert(key + ": " + value)


Subscribe for results from RDM discovery operations.


The callback is called every time an RDM device is found during an RDM discovery operation, and to announce when the RDM discovery operation is finished or has been cancelled. The callback is passed an object with the following attributes:


Value Type




Categorises the message, defining what data is present, if any (see below).



The universe on which the RDM operation is acting, in the Universe Key String Format.



Optional. Data appropriate for the message type.

Device found#

"message_type" : "device_found"

The data object will have the following attributes:


Value Type



RDM Device Info

RDM device info from the discovered device.



User number of the fixture in the project with the same DMX address and footprint as the discovered device, or null if there is no matching fixture in the project.

Discovery finished#

"message_type" : "finished"

The data object will not be present, or will be empty.

Discovery cancelled#

"message_type" : "cancelled"

The data object will have the following attributes:


Value Type




A description of why the discovery was cancelled.


Subscribe for results from RDM Get and Set operations.


The callback is called to provide the response from RDM Get and Set operations, and to announce when the RDM operation is finished or has been cancelled. The callback is passed an object with the following attributes:


Value Type




Categorises the message, defining what data is present, if any (see below).



The universe on which the RDM operation is acting, in the Universe Key String Format.



Format is {manuId}:{deviceId}(:{subId}) where {manuId} is a padded unsigned hexadecimal integer of width 4, lowercase, e.g. 072c; {deviceId} is a padded unsigned hexadecimal integer of width 8, lowercase, e.g. 0004fe02; {subId} is an optional unsigned decimal integer.



RDM PID as a human-readable string, e.g. DEVICE_INFO, or a string containing the hex representation of the enum value of the PID as defined by the RDM standard, e.g. "c1".



Optional. Data appropriate for the message type.

Get Finished#

"message_type" : "get_finished"

The GET operation indicated by the PID has finished. No data object is expected.

Set Finished#

"message_type" : "set_finished"

The SET operation indicated by the PID has finished. No data object is expected.

Get/Set result error#

"message_type" : "result_error"

The data object will have the following attributes:


Value Type




Description of the error with the response.

Get/Set operation cancelled#

"message_type" : "get_cancelled" "message_type" : "set_cancelled"

The data object will have the following attributes:


Value Type




Description of why the operation was cancelled.

Get/Set Result#

"message_type" : "result"

Provides the results of the operation, parsed from the response from the device. The data object will be appropriate for the PID. If pid is a human-readable string, e.g. DEVICE_INFO then data is described under RDM PID result data. Otherwise, if pid is the hex representation of the enum value of a PID, then data will have one key, raw, the value of which will be the base64-encoded raw payload data received from the device.

RDM PID result data#

When the object passed to the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback has "message_type": "result" and where pid is a human-readable string, e.g. DEVICE_INFO, the format of the data object is described in one of the following sections.

Get Communication Status (COMMS_STATUS)#

Following a successful GET operation for COMMS_STATUS, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • short_message - number (16 bit)

  • length_mismatch - number (16 bit)

  • checksum_fail - number (16 bit)

Get Status Messages (STATUS_MESSAGES)#

Following a successful GET operation for STATUS_MESSAGES, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a status_messages attribute with an array value, the items of which will each have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • sub_device_id - number (16 bit)

  • status_type - number (8 bit)

  • status_message_id - number (16 bit)

  • data_value_1 - number (16 bit)

  • data_value_2 - number (16 bit)

Get Supported Parameters (SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS)#

Following a successful GET operation for SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a supported_parameters attribute with an array value. The array will contain numbers, corresponding to the 16 bit parameter IDs supported by the RDM device, as described in the RDM specification.

Get Parameter Description (PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION)#

Following a successful GET operation for PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • pid_requested - number (16 bit)

  • pdl_size - number (8 bit)

  • data_type - number (8 bit)

  • command_class - number (8 bit)

  • type - number (8 bit)

  • unit - number (8 bit)

  • prefix - number (8 bit)

  • min_valid_value - number (32 bit)

  • max_valid_value - number (32 bit)

  • default_value - number (32 bit)

  • description - string (ASCII, max 32 characters)

Get Device Info (DEVICE_INFO)#

Following a successful GET operation for DEVICE_INFO, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • rdm_protocol_version - number (16 bit)

  • device_model_id - number (16 bit)

  • product_category - number (16 bit)

  • software_version_id - number (32 bit)

  • dmx512_footprint - number (16 bit)

  • dmx512_personality - number (16 bit)

  • start_address - number (16 bit)

  • sub_device_count - number (16 bit)

  • sensor_count - number (8 bit)

Get Device Model Description (DEVICE_MODEL_DESCRIPTION)#

Following a successful GET operation for DEVICE_MODEL_DESCRIPTION, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a model_description attribute with a string value. The string will be the ASCII model description, 0-32 characters, as described in the RDM specification.

Get Manufacturer Label (MANUFACTURER_LABEL)#

Following a successful GET operation for MANUFACTURER_LABEL, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a manufacturer_label attribute with a string value. The string will be the ASCII manufacturer description, 0-32 characters, as described in the RDM specification.

Get/Set Device Label (DEVICE_LABEL)#

Following a successful GET operation for DEVICE_LABEL, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a device_label attribute with a string value. The string will be the current ASCII device label, 0-32 characters, as described in the RDM specification.

No data is expected in the response for a SET operation.

Get/Set Factory Defaults (FACTORY_DEFAULTS)#

Following a successful GET operation for FACTORY_DEFAULTS, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a factory_defaults attribute with a boolean value, indicating whether the device is currently set to is factory defaults.

No data is expected in the response for a SET operation.

Get Software Version Label (SOFTWARE_VERSION_LABEL)#

Following a successful GET operation for SOFTWARE_VERSION_LABEL, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a software_version_label attribute with a string value. The string will be the ASCII software version label, 0-32 characters, as described in the RDM specification.

Get Boot Software Version ID (BOOT_SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID)#

Following a successful GET operation for BOOT_SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a boot_software_version_id attribute with a 32 bit number value, as described in the RDM specification.

Get Boot Software Version Label (BOOT_SOFTWARE_VERSION_LABEL)#

Following a successful GET operation for BOOT_SOFTWARE_VERSION_LABEL, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a boot_software_version_label attribute with a string value. The string will be the ASCII boot version label, 0-32 characters, as described in the RDM specification.

Get/Set DMX512 Personality (DMX_PERSONALITY)#

Following a successful GET operation for DMX_PERSONALITY, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • current_personality - number (8 bit)

  • num_personalities - number (8 bit)

No data is expected in the response for a SET operation.

Get DMX512 Personality Description (DMX_PERSONALITY_DESCRIPTION)#

Following a successful GET operation for DMX_PERSONALITY_DESCRIPTION, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • personality_requested - number (8 bit)

  • dmx512_slots_required - number (16 bit)

  • description - string (ASCII, 0-32 characters)

Get/Set DMX512 Starting Address (DMX_START_ADDRESS)#

Following a successful GET operation for DMX_START_ADDRESS, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a dmx512_address attribute with a 16 bit number value, as described in the RDM specification.

No data is expected in the response for a SET operation.

Get Slot Info (SLOT_INFO)#

Following a successful GET operation for SLOT_INFO, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have a slot_info attribute with an array value, the items of which will each have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • slot_offset - number (16 bit)

  • slot_type - number (8 bit)

  • slot_label_id - number (16 bit)

Get Slot Description (SLOT_DESCRIPTION)#

Following a successful GET operation for SLOT_DESCRIPTION, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • slot_number_requested - number (16 bit)

  • description - string (ASCII, 0-32 characters)

Get Sensor Definition (SENSOR_DEFINITION)#

Following a successful GET operation for SENSOR_DEFINITION, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • sensor_number_requested - number (8 bit)

  • type - number (8 bit)

  • unit - number (8 bit)

  • prefix - number (8 bit)

  • range_minimum_value - number (16 bit)

  • range_maximum_value - number (16 bit)

  • normal_minimum_value - number (16 bit)

  • normal_maximum_value - number (16 bit)

  • recorded_value_support - number (8 bit)

  • description - string (ASCII, 0-32 characters)

Get/Set Sensor (SENSOR_VALUE)#

Following a successful GET or SET operation for SENSOR_VALUE, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • sensor_number_requested - number (8 bit)

  • present_value - number (16 bit)

  • lowest_detected_value - number (16 bit)

  • highest_detected_value - number (16 bit)

  • recorded_value - number (16 bit)

Get/Set Lamp Hours (LAMP_HOURS)#

Following a successful GET or SET operation for LAMP_HOURS, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • lamp_hours - number (32 bit)

Get/Set Lamp State (LAMP_STATE)#

Following a successful GET or SET operation for LAMP_STATE, the data object in the subscribe_rdm_get_set callback argument will have the following attributes, which map to the attributes of the same names in the RDM specification for this response:

  • lamp_state - number (8 bit)

Universe Key String Format#

A universe key string for RDM takes the form:

  • protocol:index for protocols dmx and art-net;

  • protocol:remoteDeviceType:remoteDeviceNum:port for protocol edn.


  • remoteDeviceType can be edn10 or edn20;

  • remoteDeviceNum is an integer;

  • port is an integer.

For example:

  • "dmx:1"

  • "edn:edn20:1:5"