JavaScript Query Library#

Mosaic controllers provide a JavaScript library, accessible at /default/js/query.js. Controller projects may have a custom web interface, whose source files may include this library to provide convenient access to the controller HTTP API through JavaScript callbacks and to real time status updates through websocket subscriptions.

Including the Library#

The query.js library may be included within the <head> in any HTML file within a custom web interface created for a Mosaic Designer project as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes">
      <!--Include query.js library-->
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/default/js/query.js" defer></script>
   <!-- etc. -->

Event Handlers#

Functions are provided in the library to set event handlers.

  • set_success_handler(success) - function passed as success will be called when a websocket connection is successfully established with the controller and when a response is received to an HTTP API request.

  • set_error_handler(error) - function passed as error will be called when a websocket connection cannot be established with the controller and when an error is encountered as part of making an HTTP API request.

  • set_restart_handler(restart) - function passed as restart will be called when the controller has restarted, at which point any users must authenticate again.

  • set_redirect_handler(redirect) - function passed as redirect will be called when a request is unauthorized. The function will be passed the url of the default login page as a string, and may choose to return this (the default behaviour) or return the path of a custom login page.

For example:

Query.set_redirect_handler((suggestion) => {
  console.log("Suggested redirect: " + suggestion)
  return "/custom-login.html"

Querying and Controlling#

The functions provided in query.js for querying and controlling the controller and its current project are in the following sections:


Websocket subscriptions allow data to be pushed to the web client whenever there is a change within the project. The query.js library includes functions with callbacks to subscribe to each channel and return any data received.