Lua Variable#



Returns the current value of specified Lua variables.

get_lua_variables(luaVariables, callback)

Returns an object with the requested Lua variables and their values as key/value pairs, in the same manner as the HTTP GET request.

luaVariables can be a string or an array of strings, where each string is a Lua variable name. The Lua variable must be directly accessible from the Lua global table.

For example:

--[[ Lua definitions ]]--
foo = 'spam'
bar = {
   a = 'ham',
   b = 100
local baz = 'eggs'
/* Javascript Query */
Query.get_lua_variables(["foo","bar"], v => {
  let foo = // foo contains "spam"
  console.log(typeof foo) // Output: "string"
  let bar = // bar contains a javascript object { a: "ham", b: 100 }
  console.log(typeof bar) // Output: "object"
  console.log(typeof bar.a) // Output: "string"
  console.log(typeof bar.b) // Output: "number"

// Invalid query, `a` is a child of `bar` and not directly accessible from the global table
Query.get_lua_variables(["bar.a"], v => {})

// Invalid query, `baz` is scoped locally, and inaccessible from the global table
Query.get_lua_variables(["baz"], v => {})